Category: Technology

'How to', Entrepreneur's Briefcase, Global View, Innovation & Strategic, Investment, Marketing, Private Equity & Venture Capital, ...

What’s it like when outside the box is inside the box? 

Intrapreneurship is not for the fainthearted. Inside established organisations, officially-sanctioned bastions of executive dragon slaying can sometimes be found, filled with fearless risk-takers discretely licensed to systematically shred the company rulebook in their tireless search for innovation

Education, Europe, Global View, Innovation & Strategic, Life itself, Perspective, Technology, ...

Three quarters of a billion educationally deprived early learners worldwide: unacceptable, maybe unnecessary 

Educational miracle worker Sugata Mitra doesn’t take on small challenges. His original breath-taking discoveries overturned everything we knew about early self-teaching. He’s back with enough equally shocking, more recent findings to justify you watching for fifty minutes.

Academia, Global View, Innovation & Strategic, Investment, Technology, UK, Web & Consumer Tech...

Agile methodology applied to non-technology: success shock! 

Arts authorities caught publicly admitting to experimenting with ditching the ‘waterfall ‘ approach (where committees endlessly prepare vast unread(able) reports before anyone even considers trying anything new) only to discover that they can get strategic projects done quickly and well after all. Gasp!

Global View, Innovation & Strategic, Investment, Private Equity & Venture Capital, Technology, The Americas, Web & Consumer Tech...

What will Google do now search is suddenly dying? 

Investment legend Roger McNamee says mobile has already killed search. Smartphone users hardly use search. Is Google no longer the gatekeeper to the web, business, the world? Will Google+ put them back in the money? Does today’s ‘Facebook for business’ launch roll the dice once again?

Biotech, Europe, Global View, Innovation & Strategic, Nanotech, Private Equity & Venture Capital, Startups, ...

Where does 3D entertainment end and the rest of 3D innovation begin? 

How do you draw the line between entertainment and non-entertainment uses? Who drives the innovation? Does industry get its inspiration from cinema and gaming, or is the entertainment business merely exploiting the technological advances made by the manufacturing industry?