Is the ‘point’ of solar about to change?
Whilst panels were expensive, titling an array of flat rectangles towards the sun was the most economical way to gather light. Much cheaper panels may make this approach obsolete.
Toys as inspiration: Shrinky-Dink startup epiphanies
At 12 am one night in 2007, a revolutionary engineering idea popped into Michelle Khine’s head. The rest is history (and chemistry, physics, biotech, nanotech, solar: she seems unstoppable)
Can you get sustainable power stations for nothing?
Industrial energy waste turns out to be the most surprisingly overlooked opportunity to make outrageous returns on investment. Energy efficiency in industry is a shockingly untapped market. Modernisation at a single large industrial plant can free up an entire power station
Sustainable engineering: the carbon issues
We’ve been looking for a green engineering video ever since our last article on the subject. This excellent briefing definitely makes up for the wait
Can America still pick winners in the energy innovation race?
An opportunity to watch Steve Chu, US Energy Secretary, running us through a list of technologies which he hopes will help America reassert itself in the rapidly intensifying struggle for competitiveness and maybe even its very survival
The iij Top 10 upcoming innovative investment books
This topic is probably the most demanding in the whole field of selecting innovation writing as far as trying to ensure that the subject is being handled in a genuinely insightful way, but I think we’ve found a good selection
Two innovation universes, one amazing video
This starts off as a talk about startup methodology but somehow manages to morph into a sales pitch for an intriguing new solar technology. If you’re able to keep up with Bill Gross’s sometimes ferocious pace of delivery, stick with it, it’s well worth the ride
Innovation issue missing from Wikipedia right now (hopefully not for long)
Green Engineering is not only ‘using engineering to do sustainable things’, it is also about ‘how to do all engineering in a sustainable way’
Sustainability and innovation: an oil company’s view
They tell us how they see the future in this video
TSB £4.5m competition deadline June 30
The UK’s Technology Strategy Board is running a £4.5m competition for research into ‘smart’ energy use in homes. The deadline is June 30, 2010. The TSB is primarily interested in…
The eCar guys that don’t build cars
Who are those guys? If they don’t build cars, what do they do? This short video tells you exactly what the eCar guys do.
Slimy but not Sleazy!
Biofuels extracted from algae. Is this the way forward in solving the fuel problem?
Why we should stop selling cars
UK hydrogen car developer Riversimple plans to turn the standard motor industry business model on its head. Founder Hugo Spowers explains.