Industrial energy waste turns out to be the most surprisingly overlooked opportunity to make outrageous returns on investment. Energy efficiency in industry is a shockingly untapped market. Modernisation at a single large industrial plant can free up an entire power station.
If you think those last few words date back to a time before technology made energy efficiency an essential feature of any large scale industrial concern, then some of the revelations in this video will blow you away. The talk was held last month.
The panel session was called:
Financing the clean industrial revolution
It was part of an event held in London on the 12th to 13th of September called:
B4E Climate Summit 2011
Here’s the introduction to the session:
To deliver transformative climate solutions and drive a new, clean industrial revolution, massive amounts of capital must be invested in renewable energy infrastructure and for scaling up energy and resource efficiency globally.
This panel of leaders will share their experiences and perspectives on the challenges and opportunities in financing the Clean Revolution.
Here are the speakers:
Moderator: Ben Goldsmith, Founding Partner, WHEB Partners
Bruce Duguid, Senior Advisor, Green Investment Bank Team, BIS
Christopher Hunt, Managing Director, Riverstone LLC
Peter Malik, Director, Center for Market Innovation, Natural Resources Defense Council
Michael Molitor, Principal Advisor, Roundtable on Sustainable Development, OECD