I had to work my way through an enormous number of clips to put this together, but I still only scratched the surface. I had to do it now, because soon, there are going to be just too many to even attempt this with any sense of purpose.
Unlike those below, the majority of the thousands of startup weekend clips available online are individual pitch videos. Many of them are not in English (many of the startup weekend events which have put up online videos were held in non-English-speaking countries, like Brazil, France, Spain, Switzerland, Greece, etc.) and there are no subtitles. If someone does want to try to do this again, they are going to need some serious help from translators.
The videos I have selected are those which give a sense of what makes the startup weekend experience unique. Oh, and those which explain how it works.
(1) Repeated failure turned into inspiration
(2) Candidate for best ‘startup weekend wonderfully weird collective activity’
(3) Candidate for ‘best informal intro to the startup weekend idea’
(4) Candidate for ‘best startup weekend interview’
(5) Best ‘vlog-style’ commentary
(6) A themed startup weekend – education
(7) Candidate for best ‘walkabout intro’
(8) Winners who haven’t gone out to get drunk
(9) An organiser’s perspective
(10) Best ‘ad format’ intro