Apart from the Oculus Rift, there are currently six other Virtual Reality hardware projects that have been successfully funded through KickStarter.
(1) Altergaze: “Customisable, 3D printed, smartphone based Virtual Reality Goggles distributed through crowd manufacturing”
Startup founder: Liviu Berechet Antoni From: London, UK Number of backers, funding pledged: 417, £29,176 (still a few hours to go) funding goal: £25,000 Funding date: May 1 2014
Startup founder: Louise Bankhead, vrase.com No. of backers: 782 Funding pledged: £66,556 Funding goal: £55,000 Funding date: Oct 15 2013
(3) STEM System: “Wireless, modular motion tracking system for the most natural and intuitive interaction with video games, virtual reality, and more.”
Startup: Sixense Los Gatos, California, USA No. of backers: 2,383 Funding pledged: $604,978 Funding goal: $250,000 Funding date: Oct 12, 2013
Startup: Intellect Motion Los Angeles, California, USA Number of backers: 517 Funding pledged: $102,363 Funding goal: $100,000 Funding date: Oct 28, 2013
Startup: YEI Technology, Portsmouth, Ohio, USA No. of backers: 854 Funding pledged: $322,103 Funding goal: $75,000 Funding date: Mar 31 2014
(6) Omni:“The Omni enables you to move naturally and freely in virtual worlds.”
Startup: Virtuix, Houston, Texas, USA No. of backers: 3,249 Funding pledged: $1,109,351 Funding goal: $150,000 Funding date: Jul 23, 2013
There are two other successfully funded KickStarter hardware projects where Virtual Reality (as well as Augmented reality) gets a mention in the description, but where it is unlikely that VR would be something that the vendors see as the ‘primary functionality’.
One such project is castAR: “Bridging the physical world with the virtual worlds; 3D holographic like projections in AR, fully immersive environments in VR”
Startup founder: Jeri Ellsworth, Technical Illusions, Woodinville, Washington, USA No. of backers: 3,863 Funding pledged: $1,052,110 Funding goal: $400,000 Funding date: Nov 15, 2013
There’s another successfully funded hardware project on KickStarter that mentions VR but I think today we’d be more likely to categorise it the same way we would characterise Google Glass: as a ‘wearable’.
The title for this project in KickStarter was Voxel Vision
Startup founder: Jon Rodriguez, Epiphany Eyewear, Stanford, California, USA No. of backers: 27 Funding pledged: $5,528 Funding goal: $5,000 Funding date: September 2011.
Finally, if there’s any room for an ‘honorable mention’ in the KickStarter VR hardware stakes, take a look at the Avegant Glyph: “A Mobile Personal Theater With Built In Premium Audio”
Startup: Avegant, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA No. of backers: 3,331 Funding pledged: $1,509,506 Funding goal: $250,000 Funding date: Feb 2014.