Everyone can see how Big IT could feel threatened by accusations of becoming one of society’s most voracious consumers of energy. And yet, it turns out that IT and sustainability are probably inseparable
IT represents a seemingly unstoppably growing appetite for power-hungry servers, thirsty data centers and a burgeoning contribution to domestic electricity usage. But as this panel reveals, sustainability presents IT with an opportunity to become the very thing that can turn it all around and make massive improvements in energy efficiency possible.
The panel session was called Information Technology Opportunities in the Energy Sector. It was part of a conference hosted by Stanford University called Creating a Sustainable Energy System for the 21st Century and Beyond held at Stanford on 288-29th September 2010.
The session was moderated by Mark Horowitz of Stanford University. The speakers were from Cisco, C3, Google and Stanford University.
Paul De Martini. Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Smart Grid, Cisco.
Patricia House. Co-founder, Vice Chairman, and Senior Vice President of Strategy, C3.
Bill Weihl. Green Energy Czar, Google.
Balaji Prabhakar. Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Departments, Stanford University.
This conference was held as the Stanford Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) Research Symposium 2010. In this panel session, GCEP principal investigators and student researchers highlighted their efforts and the latest technological innovations in solar energy, biofuels, advanced energy conversion and storage, the electric grid, and advanced carbon-based energy systems.