So this set of conference videos was supposed to be about regulatory issues. Shockingly perhaps, it turned out to be neither alarmist scaremongering nor shameless cheerleading.

Instead, it is a refreshingly unguarded expedition to the frontiers of our current knowledge. It soon becomes clear that the presentations are much more about asking important new questions than they are about coming up with glib answers. The editing is unfortunately rather ‘jumpy’ but unquestionably rewards persistent viewing. Who knew law would make innovation more accessible? This set is called ‘Philosophical Perspectives’

This next set of conference presentations is called Scientific Considerations

This set is about Nanomaterials and Toxicology

Here’s a set on ‘Occupational Exposure to Nanomaterials’

You might imagine this last set (Legal and Regulatory Topics) would be boring, but you’d be wrong: it’s just as full of intriguing revelations of interesting unanswered questions as the earlier ones.

The event was called: ‘Toward the Regulation of Nanomaterials: Conversation between academia, industry, law, and government’. It was held at Notre Dame University (which has it’s own Nanotechnology centre called NDnano) at the John J. Reilly centre for Science, Technology and Values in Indiana on May 10-12, 2010.

There is a conference website for this event, which has a conference materials page which allows you to download PDFs containing details of the presentations and speakers in the videos above. There is also a video archive page which contains links to recordings of all the sessions above as well as several more.